What are you expecting from your Home Inspection?
My inspections meet or exceed the Illinois Standards of Practice for Home Inspectors as well as the InterNACHI Standard of Practice. I provide quality inspection services including reports with photographs and comments about any defects observed during the time of the inspection. I also use a thermal imaging camera which measures surface temperatures. This can help detect roof leaks, plumbing leaks, air and moisture intrusion, wet or missing insulation, electrical hot spots and possibly the presence of animals or insect infestation if they produce enough heat to project to a wall surface being imaged.
Inspections typically take between 3 and 5 hours. Reports are completed after I return to my office. The report is sent electronically to the person who hired me to complete the inspection. I am also available to discuss the report with you once it is received.

Getting ready for your Home Inspection
    Help make it the best!
1) Plan on being there during the inspection process. I need a signed preinspection agreement before I can start.
2) On the day of the inspection make sure the home is accessible at the set appointment time
3) Make the owners aware of the time needed to complete the inspection. 3-5 hours
4) Pets are removed or in a crate. I will not inspect areas where pets are free to roam for personal safety reasons, the possibility of injuring a pet or being held responsible should one escape the premises during my inspection.
5) Personal items are moved away from electrical panels, furnace, water heater, main water shut off and around plumbing under the sinks.
6) Utilities are on
7) All appliances that stay with the property are empty (excepting refrigerators and freezers) and functional. If they have personal items in or on them, I can’t operate them.
8) The attic access area is clear for space to set up a ladder.
9) The crawl space if present is accessible.
10) Locked areas of the home to be inspected are unlocked and accessible.
11) Vehicles are parked outside of the garage.
12) Provide me with a copy of the property disclosure report at the time of the inspection.
13) Ask the owner, if they know, to write down the age of the roof, furnace, AC, and other appliances that will stay with the home.
14) Provide me with a list of any concerns you have about the home that you would like me to inspect.
15) Bring a writing pad and pen to do your own inspection while I am present. You are the one buying the home so look it over good. We can discuss it at the house after I complete my inspection. I’ll be glad to walk through the house with you and your list after I complete my inspection.
16) You are hiring me to inspect a specific home and the best time to ask questions about it is while we there are at the home. We can be looking at the same thing at the same time, which helps remove ambiguity or of me misunderstanding your concerns. I have time for you.